Astazi, zi mohorata de decemvrie, m-am intalnit la fumoarul cotidianului unde lucrez cu Sobolanul de Camp, jurnalist la Externe. La mai bine de un an de cand m-am pogorat la redactie spre a aduce pacea intre subiect si predicat, Sobolanul m-a intrebat cand am sosit si care mi-e prenumele. Dupa introducerile succinte, s-a interesat de CV-ul meu, ca apoi sa-mi ofere sfaturi pentru ascensiunea profesionala, acuzand pe traseu si nepotismul care viciaza piata muncii, inclusiv maculatura datorita careia ne-am cunoscut. I-am raspuns ca eu am ajuns la corectura prin concurs si pe merit. N-a perceput autoironia si mi-a raspuns, mandru de ecusonul sau, ca corectura e prea putin semnificativa ca sa se mai oboseasca careva cu favoritisme. Deconcertata de lipsa lui de umor, i-am raspuns ca e, oricum, o faza. El a aprobat ca din ceva tot trebuie sa supravietuiasca omul. Chiar daca cevaul in cauza presupune ca omul sa dea din pedale prin raioanele umile ale trustului, unde trece anu fara sa-l vada careva, deci e ca si cum nu exista sau e o pura himera. Sobolanul inspira fum cu o exaltare sumbra, de parca se straduia sa-si atinga notele cele mai joase ale sfincterului. I-am vorbit despre un examen pe care-l pregatesc pentru a progresa financiar, dar el a insistat ca tot ponturile lui sunt smecheria. Am omis sa-i spun ca am colaborari cu o revista culturala si ca stiu totusi germana pe care el mi-o elogia cu rictus compatimitor dupa ce i-am explicat ca examenul cu pricina e-n deja banala limba a lui Monty Python. Bilant: el a fost suficient de binevoitor incat sa ma lase sa trag cu coada ochiului la ghidul sau practic pentru reusita in viata. Si e cu atat mai nobil gestul cu cat nici macar nu-l rugasem! Cand ti se ofera ceva fara ca tu macar sa ai habar ca-ti trebuie, e o onoare, ba mai mult, o revelatie, degetul mijlociu al providentei! Iar cand asemenea pilde vin de la ultima fiinta pe care te-ai fi gandit s-o idolatrizezi, e o sublima lectie despre umilinta. Zau asa... Este reconfortant cand cineva al carui chip pare proaspat trecut prin tocatorul de carne, care fumeaza pentru a da un alibi estetic behaitului nativ si bosumflat pe limba-mama crede cu tarie ca ai numai de-nvatat de pe urma fumatului in tandem cu el. Ehei, e plina mosia de sobolani de camp... Cum? Nesimtiti? Nuuuuu... incisivi, s-avem pardon! Ma-nclin in fata eufemismelor.
joi, 10 decembrie 2009
Tinkerbell si Rozatoarea - un episod de incluziune sociala
Mankind in a loop
Shriveled throughout their adherence to fur and fairies
Scribbled with centuries-old stories of mankind
Mankind shrunk under binoculars
Mankind in a loop with a name different from its other portraits
All of them conjured in the same definition of shape
It's past tense reproduced
Somewhere in a bulb
Or not
Who knows which the round is?
Us, out of their massive mania
Or them, outside our microscopic one?
The torturers and healers, two opposite-looking breeds
All sat together at the same last supper
All winners
All people
Outside me
Somewhere incoherent with nothing but an oxygen mask on
Unaltered by the cries and interspersions of time
Watchers of a vocabulary we've come to learn the words of
Speakers of consonants we have not yet to scrape reality of
B-level pantomimes
Builders of sciences inside a dolly house
Vicars of recipes and clay gourmets
I'm forging fences just to see what I need to escape
My favorite playground
My deadliest playground
A medicine woman deprived of corpse
Who belittles her blankness around swollen red dots
Just for the thrills of seeing the scab reformed
And the moon restored in the smooth amplitude of a face
A self-killer, a self-curer
My repetition for no part
The puppet always with a fake thermometer on.
luni, 7 decembrie 2009
Mia and the gigolo
I knew someone else had been there
My mother…
It wasn't you I wanted,
But her I was trying to reach
Her sadness under your skin
My father…
Their long encounters on your ribs
Their separations too
Somewhere between your thighs…
And was the salty feel of your chin
Her sourest memory of all?
Where do I begin?
In the oblivion framed from your right nipple
To its red counterpart?
In her tongue dressing up the void in spit and lust?
Will I be me without her in your arms?
Will you and I manage to equal two?
When everything I see in you
Is covered in her rust?
Could your pores answer me correctly:
Where is the spot where I failed to resume?
An English guide in losing your daughter
It may as well have been for an eternity
For all it cared,
Aging without becoming was hardly a problem
If not a privilege per se
But when it did come out, months later
It became she
And she become her,
As did the black locks she just loved to see
In the gigantic oblong mirror
That hanged on her tall, snow-white wall.
Her mother gave her a peculiar name
And dyed her hair red…
The problem was,
She could not recognize her after that
So she began to search for her all over
Becoming tragically aware of prepositions,
Testing each,
Wondering which would turn out the winner:
Behind, beneath
On, under
In, out?
Her money was on in
Although the in she knew
Was her bare misconception, e.g.:
In her room
In the phonebook
In the papers
In the limelights
In blood stains on some highway
Or another…
No wonder she never found her.
And all this time the little one
Was lying pliant on the dinning sofa
Right beside her,
All covered in fake hair
Dressing herself in a big pretty ribbon
So she could fly herself off
To some man’s birthday party.
This no-land that easily puckers
The tightening that awakes my grand-fear
My nature has not yet been acquainted
With instinct
Nor has it ever derived pleasure from milk
Although I owe my teeth to it
A sturdy prole – my being still
The letters I have learnt to tag kitchen jars with
Did little to remove the metal
From the delights of eating
The sweating man who wears a smeared cap
Pushes the handle bars inside the steel blue
His stare having lost edges
I fear
I fear becoming once again
My stitches interrupted
sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009
Marriage V
The sneeze that burst out of my horror
Followed by "never mind"
You fell asleep inside me
Till we were one,
Until I lost my knack at spotting you…
The only white I can remember through our wedding
Were my trembling socks
It's funny you should rhyme so freely
With my liking to chocolate and Bunuel
You, of all people,
So lacking in discretion,
Where are you now?
You took a leap inside my mouth
And filled it with must nots
You and your paradoxal privies
Locked up the sobs inherent to my voice
Far from my grasp
Now I am such a friendly tenor…
A historical moment
When my crying got broken
And each dot stopped being
Symmetrical to another.
vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009
Dublu rol
Ochii-mi sticlesc
Astept un moment prielnic
Sa urlu
In fata mea trece
Un car cu nori beige
In care umbra mea se disperseaza
O vad
Isi duce mainile la cap
Si isi maseaza tamplele scrasnind din dinti
Asteptand sa simta durerea
Asteptandu-i focul
Pana ce nu o va mai suporta
Asteptand momentul prielnic
Sa ma lase sa urlu.
21, mereu
Intr-un colt oarecare
Sunt goala, imi tin genunchii-n palme
Cautand caldura in propriul corp
Indoita spre mine, o linie curba
Ramasa in inutila suspensie
In neputinta de-a se prelungi
Spre a deveni cerc
Am pierdut cuvintele care sa ma apere
Mintea mi se-nvarteste, creand un gol
In jurul acestui punct
In jurul acestui refuz care face ca viata sa se opreasca
Indoita spre sine
Urandu-ma febril
Pentru ca o ucid
Oriunde ea curge, oriunde eu sunt libera
Urandu-ma fiindca o contrazic
Oriunde o descopar,
Facand-o sa revina vesnic in jurul acelui punct
De unde promitea sa inceapa
In jurul propriei neimpliniri...
miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009
The Marlboro Woman
In primele doua saptamani, a fost usor SI placut. Plamanii mei erau deja apasati de anii in care inhalam doua-trei pachete zilnic, iar absenta nicotinei i-a relaxat. Observam fericita cum dintii – detaliul preferat al corpului meu – isi recapatau albul sidefat. Intre timp, am facut o pneumonie, plus niste analize care mi-au indicat o sensibilitate crescuta in zona bronhiilor, o motivatie in plus sa renunt. Ma ajuta sa-mi spun ca gesturile constituie, probabil, singurul lucru asupra caruia chiar avem control si pe care il putem asadar preveni. Evident, au urmat nostalgia in momente pe care inainte le asociam invariabil cu tigara, dar si nevoia organica de a fuma. Am parcurs perioade de stres coplesitor, in care tanjeam dupa o pipa care sa ma calmeze, dar m-am abtinut in continuare, mandra de ascendentul asupra propriului sevraj. Trucul era sa rezist pana la capatul celor 20-30 de minute febrile, dupa care-mi zbura gandul din minte. Eram tentata si cand imi vedeam prietenii fumand, dar am reusit sa creez o membrana intre persoana mea si gestul lor. Pana cand, la nici un an de cosmaruri inciudate si ezitari depasite eroic, am cedat. Am fumat o singura tigara, traind un sentiment dubios de regasire si teama de proportiile acelui scurt armistitiu. Din fericire, n-am mai simtit nevoia sa-mi aprind o alta prea curand. Am facut-o la trei luni dupa. Apoi la doua saptamani. Apoi am fixat ziua exacta din saptamana cand imi permiteam acest rasfat. Apoi am prizat trei tigari la un party. Apoi un pachet. Fumul celorlalti imi patrunde iar lumea, presandu-ma sa le impartasesc gestul. Spatiul conversatiei se simte gol si tactil fara. Iar cand sunt singura sau cand nici nu simt nevoia, imi impun sa vreau. Probabil fiindca fumatul se apropie insidios de idealul unui repaus ludic si intim, al unei complicitati cu sinele. Asa cum in noiembrie 2007 am vrut sa ma las, acum, la fix doi ani distanta, vreau sa ma reapuc. Incapatanare identica, de altfel, cu cea care a marcat inceputul istoriei mele tabagice. Din cate se pare, povestea asta poate inspira lejer un studiu asupra simetriei...
Nu pot spune insa ca am pierdut complet carma din maini. Inca negociez cu mine. Sa zicem ca ma aflu pe muchia acestei caderi. M-ar obosi prea mult scrupulele, axioma abdicarii jalnice si absurde. Un rol important in rezistenta mea il joaca problemele respiratorii. Argument care are, la randul sau, o valenta mistica: o clarvazatoare cu CV decent m-a avertizat ca tabacul imi va provoca suferinte majore la varsta de mijloc. Si ca tot pe la prefixul 5 am toate sansele sa devin un personaj realmente agasant, but that's another story. Insa avanscena e ocupata, in mod superficial – sau freudian! – de dinti. Plamanii sunt cei mai expusi, e drept, dar macar nu se vad. Una peste alta, e o dilema al carei suspans ma exalta. Tin pumnii instinctului meu de conservare…
marți, 17 noiembrie 2009
Si un ultim liant, mai degraba anecdotic, cu extraconjugalul ar fi suspiciunea prietenelor prietenilor mei ca as fi un risc pentru teritoriul lor. Sigur, daca as avea relatii serioase sau daca as fi mai serioasa in relatii, cu drag mi-ar face loc la sezatoarea lor placida. Dar aici chiar nu e vina mea. Si eu sufar ca unii barbati pe care i-am dorit sunt niste secaturi narcisice. Ca ma atrag relatiile cu tipi care ma iubesc conditionat si pe care trebuie musai sa-i impresionez. Ma intristeaza ca am fost o simpla himera extraconjugala pentru unii care m-au fascinat. O prezenta placuta, care indeplineste functii terapeutice in cinematograful lor interior, dar absolut ubliabila in fata jumatatilor iubite. Ca fiinta mea a avut din start un statut precar in fata evidentelor indragite. Si in tot acest timp, aici doare…
joi, 18 iunie 2009
Eschivari de la privire
Intr-un tablou sau intr-o fotografie care reproduce fizionomia unei persoane ma fascineaza absenta din privirea modelului. Ceva vag care tulbura irisul ca o pacla. Acel moment cand gandurile aluneca din context si, implicit, din conformare. E ca o evadare din portativ intr-un loc unde nu mai esti viata ta, ci propriul mister. Undeva straniu unde datoria de a fi inteligibil dispare pentru scurt timp. Oamenii au nevoie ca tu sa-ti fixezi privirea asupra lor, ca ei sa faca parte din tine, sa te angajeze in dinamica reconfortanta a reciprocitatii. Te fac sa aderi la corpul lor si sa fii recognoscibilul din bezna lui. Te conving sa te distribui singur intr-un rol care sa insumeze gusturi, experiente, atitudini, la fel cum si tu ii inglobezi in viziunea ta. Interactiunile dintre noi sunt nevoi de repere conjugate. Ne suntem mame si tati. Dar sunt si momente cand gasim o usa pe unde ne putem strecura din joaca de-a definitiile. Vara trecuta eram in Laptarie cu prietenul meu de-atunci, pe care "il iubeam", cu care faceam sex minunat, mergeam la filme si imi petreceam sarbatorile impreuna. Eram obosita si gandeam imprastiat, cand brusc l-am zarit pe un tip din trecutul meu antic si virgin. Imi petrecusem cu el cateva nopti de discutii interminabile complet in afara formei noastre cotidiene. Sexul nu s-a intamplat, insa panda in jurul lui, electricitatea din zonele primare ale corpurilor noastre erau perfect integrate in atmosfera dintre noi. Nematerializarea acelei intensitati era esentiala pentru pastrarea misterului. Ca dupa ani si ani sa il revad in Laptarie, tocmai cand prietenul meu ma tinea pe dupa umeri, iar privirea mea era defocalizata, goala de orice legatura cu contextul. Ne-am intalnit in acel no man's land, locul dintre doua momente diferite care ne angajau, si am stiut ca legatura noastra va exista mereu acolo. Am revenit la ritualul conversatiilor nocturne. Ne vedem in momentele rare cand renuntam sa privim.
vineri, 12 iunie 2009
I'm landing on thick memories today,
Vertigo towards the roots of me;
Sun bakes some spring and squeezes deja-vous from green,
Angles of self throughout the chaos of their dawns prolonged.
I'm tracing all my births as I peel off amnesia,
And downward I'm becoming me.
Each one of you, historical, is me today,
All the peculiarities in light that I once shared with you
Fuse the inherences within your bygone presence,
Perhaps even your right to be,
And marry tenses in a simultaneous I.
When I brood on it all-out,
Perhaps you never were real to me,
Just as I'm never facts,
Perhaps you're all my very foster homes.
Despre sentimentul preferat
Nostalgia. Sigur, poate parea patetic celor care au o viata mai epica decat a mea. Si prost plasat, dat fiind ca inca sunt – biologic – tanara. Adevarul e ca traiesc mai multe varste, mai multe timpuri in lumea mea. E drept, nu am bifat multe experiente tipic tineresti si deosebite in sensul cinematografic al cuvantului. Nu am avut o relatie serioasa, nu am trait o mare dragoste (reciproca), nu am mers cu gasca pe munte, nu mi-am tras-o cu niciun necunoscut in Club A, nu m-am facut muci la majorat, n-am postit niciun joint la niciun party, de fapt, nu-mi plac party-urile, nici viata de noapte. Si poate am ratat niste povesti faine, irepetabile. Ador sa ies cu prietenii la un bar, la o cafenea cu muzica buna, sa discut chiar si o ora, chiar si despre lucruri banale. Atat timp cat intre oameni exista deja o atmosfera, platitudinile au o radacina, si deci nu sunt apasatoare. Prietenii mei sunt destui, dar majoritatea nu se cunosc intre ei, iar cei care se stiu fie nu au ce sa-si spuna, fie nu se plac si basta. Nu sunt omul cu aptitudini pentru viata in gasca, desi am avut tentative de a ma alinia. Cred ca exista mereu riscul sa te pierzi in incercarea de a fi reperabil. Iar in timp ce multi merg in diverse locuri cool pentru a fi unii cu altii, eu ma duc pentru a fi cu mine. Foarte uncool, stiu. De ce ma fascineaza nostalgia, simplul concept? Nu cred ca pot sa-mi raspund coerent, dar simt ca ea te face sa ramai in timp ce pleci. Poate suna stupid, dar nu importa. Acum doi ani si niste zile mergeam cu trenul spre Cluj, la TIFF si mi-am petrecut noaptea in minibar cu un tip mai mic ca mine, mai scund ca mine, dar destept si sarmant. M-au fascinat la el gandirea subtila, o anume sensibilitate a nuantelor, un clar-obscur care-l pastra in incert, printre randurile care insira definitii. Un ceva ciuntit si neinchegat, deci viu. Haosul in plina ambiguitate. Am vorbit despre sex ore-n sir, ne-ndreptam pe ocolite acolo, ne "miroseam" cu mare grija pentru orgoliul propriu, iar in cele din urma ne-am rezumat la saruturi apoase. Putin inainte de a ajunge-n gara, mi-a cerut numarul de mobil si am stabilit sa ma caute dupa cinci luni – scenariu pe care l-am recunoscut apoi excitata in "Before Sunrise". M-a sunat abia peste un an si…, dar n-are rost sa intru-n detalii despre cum s-au cristalizat chestiile. Revin la momentul cand am coborat pe peron, continuand cu plimbarile impreuna cu prieteni din Cluj, cinele, discutiile la o sticla de vin rosu, filmele pe care le-am vazut la festival, ultimul, mai ales, unul rusesc, "Euforia", sensibil intr-un stil tacut, mai degraba muzical si elegiac. Si, on top of everything, fluturasii dupa ce traisem un secret impreuna cu cineva in noaptea aia plus suspansul celor cinci luni pe care le aveam inainte. Nu pot sa spun ca-l doream sau ca-mi facusem cine stie ce planuri legate de persoana lui concreta, mai degraba ma captivau jocul si potentialul livresc al experientei. Lucrurile s-au schimbat dramatic de atunci, eu m-am schimbat (d'oh!), si totusi, secventele diferite din acel concediu s-au simultaneizat in mine, creand un moment despre care inca simt ca se intampla. Cand ne amintim de ceilalti, ii dematerializam. Mi-e dor de cine am fost, iar el, martorul unei franturi din cine am fost la vremea aia, este, prin felul cum se asaza piesele in amintire, tot eu. Acum patru veri, bateam oraselele de pe litoral cu bicicleta impreuna cu prietenul meu cel mai bun si inotam noaptea in mare, mergeam la un restaurant turcesc unde mancam baclavale, ne suiam pe acoperisul unui hotel in constructie de la malul marii, unde priveam stelele, beam bere, spargeam seminte, vorbeam despre noi sau taceam fara jena. Ceea ce a fost continua sa se intample intr-un colt din penumbra timpului, ca un chicotit si intr-o coeziune pe care probabil nu am perceput-o in timpul liniar. Posibil ca nici sentimentele pe care le-am avut pentru unul sau altul sa nu fi murit "de-adevaratelea". Poate ca ele sunt spatii in sufletul nostru si putem realuneca, daca ne incapatanam sa ne plimbam pe-acolo, in locul unde il iubim pe, sa zicem, barbatul care ne-a deflorat acum cinci ani – sau acum douazeci de ani. Momentele si oamenii cu care le-am compus sunt camere in pragul carora ma opresc pe rand, imbracata intr-o rochie de muselina, cu o palarie cu boruri largi si cam ponosita, a la Nebuna din Chaillot, pe coridorul timpului care sta, in ciuda usii din capat.
Photo: Trimbulind
marți, 9 iunie 2009
Arta limiteaza viata
Obisnuiam sa ma exprim in cuvinte ce reproduceau nuante cat mai variate, eventual contrastante – despre mine. Ma descriam in fata posibililor admiratori, ei sau ele, in termeni decupati din arta gotica, sperand sa creez o aura fascinanta in jurul meu. "Demoni", "tenebre" etc. erau recurente ale vocabularului meu, cu ajutorul carora dezvoltam o intreaga literatura despre neputintele si inadecvarile mele. Imi exteriorizam paradoxurile si sughiturile existentiale convertindu-le in metafore, le completam cu cercei camee si saluri exotice si deveneam un personaj (probabil) interesant, preferatul meu. Facand un bilant al relatiilor mele (cu barbatii, mai ales) si al ipostazelor mele pe parcursul lor, ma mira ca ceilalti nu si-au dat seama ca tot panache-ul pe care mi-l asumam era o suma de clisee. (Desi nu-i deloc exclus sa fi fost destul de groase randurile celor care cascau.) Sigur, scuza cea mai la-ndemana e ca vroiam sa impresionez, sa fiu interesanta. Dar exista o capcana in a le parea fascinant celorlalti: ceea ce e autentic si solitar in tine devine artificiu, trairea bruta devine ipostaza ei. Si astfel e putin probabil ca vei putea infige ancore in sensibilitatea profunda, umana a celor care te privesc. Eu, cel putin, realizez ca mi-am transformat multe secvente intime intr-un mozaic de consum care m-a ascuns (ferit?) de ceilalti. Era mult histrionism in exprimarea, pe un timbru cald, grav si patruns de propriile majuscule, a incertului si contranotelor din care se compune complexitatea. Si totusi, este greu sa nu aluneci spre o reprezentare sau alta, cu atat mai mult cu cat pozitia ta intre propriile contururi e inexacta si vaga. E ceva care se poate intampla reflex, dat fiind ca viata chiar imita arta, dupa cum bine afirma Oscar Wilde. Nevrotismul urban intelectualizat e deja un spectacol cu audienta masiva (a se vedea Woody Allen, "Sex and the city" s.a.m.d). O asemenea pertinenta televizuala iti bagatelizeaza implicit motivele, dramele pe care ti le credeai singulare. Tot ce e propriu este, de fapt, asimilabil unei categorii sau alteia, "fumat". Suntem, intr-un gramaj semnificativ, repetitii. Evident ca m-am simtit ca un cliseu biped odata confruntata cu acest adevar. Alternativa a fost, un timp, resemnarea ca nu exista verbul compus "a fi special". Din resemnare a derivat cinismul. Dar, in mod ironic, am observat cum si resemnarea, si cinismul devin, in dramaturgia mea interioara, propriile imagini consacrate. Totusi, cum sa fii autentic, cum sa nu iti urmaresti intruna reflexia in geam, cand majoritatea celorlalti sunt la fel sau poate mai acoperiti de spoturi si bannere pe toata suprafata lor? Atat timp cat ei isi anexeaza, la randul lor, sabloane spre a-si construi o legenda si devin o enumerare sforaitoare de hiperbole, cum sa nu iti inspire, drept feed-back, propria blablalogie autoafirmativa? Cum sa nu le oferi recitalul pe care il asteapta de la tine? Disponibilitatea lor de a fi sedusi inseamna, subliminal, imperativul ca tu sa ii seduci. Ca un paradox, esti depersonalizat prin insusi tertipul narcisismului propriu.
luni, 30 martie 2009
Tiberius enamored
Your sayings sooth me and reveal
Teeth I could trust, moved forth and then receding
Within the fuzzy vowels of your complacent wisdom.
You've entered a land that spreads a thousand miles away
But you could not peel the soundproof oubliette
Tucking it in each night.
You stretched your hands toward me
And failed to see that mine were tied;
You could not hear a voice that stirs
Death sentences enraged to be distracted
From pious masturbations,
And nonetheless the voice embraces them as personal eye-frowns
Each time it dares to utter…
And thus you could not hear
Words tortured in oriental fashions
While drowned in their placenta.
You see that I am on the sleazy side of ribbons
The white I wear from time to time
Is always devoid of symbols
But still, your smile carries on,
Either eyeless, or in spite of me
Forever hand-raised, kindly sending me
Ballet invitations,
Dying to be sincerely mine…
The dawn
On the slim alley driving south, into the sea…
She grasps her bosom whilst in pain
Her black curls ravished by the breeze
And salted by a wave deranged, she cries
And cries
Fearing this is the edge of dying,
Fearing she might be sliding on a spiral steep.
Her womb is coming off and bursting
Beneath the sky's display of morning colors
Beneath the seedy breakfast it implies.
She's giving birth humming Schubert throughout
To trick sorrow into self-pity,
One hand leaning against a dry tree,
The other one luring her suckling out -
Her spawn, she knows it's there to steal her air and undergarments…
Nonetheless, a mother is a manor cold,
Her chimneys feeding a fire too thin
For the hunting to stall
Once the riffle starts shooting.
There is no escape from her ivy,
Just tentacles stretching to linger on,
Seeming to fail,
But the offspring always forgets its aid kit behind.
She still has that pillow crammed in her entrails
And secretly misses the man of the forest
The man who was ignorant of words but wise to allusions,
The man who lulled her in his hut for an hour or so
And did not deliver a sigh.
She's afraid the hunters will come through the mud
With tartan hats and wood pipes, not to mention their guns
And the old weepers with seafood and rocks in their pockets,
And there's no door to claim manners behind.
She feeds the child emerged from her smolder,
But her milk is too sour, it thickens its blood.
The men have arrived along with the ladies
They all hum Schubert and narrow their compass around her,
Their hands swelling like those in cartoons.
This is a bad dream, she just wished to drain
Some bit of elseness to her girly amusement,
But failed to consider the bloodshed and lullabies.
The child blubbers no more, it simply craves for a baptism
Missing the sea, how awkward, the never acquainted sea…
That will have to wait, though -
The earth is full of ravens that must be kept away from the crops
Fingers will always be needed to build rows of scarecrows
In so rugged a land that delivers no mother-tongue.
The pain is soothed; she slips in her crimson
Now, there's nothing but silence, no one but seagulls to dream of.
A thousand tendernesses,
A thousand tricks to date...
Red candies flicker from their pockets,
From their benevolent silk tissues –
Rat traps, spreading a thousand miles away,
Toward me, rendered infant.
The mothers smile at me
And call me names:
Sweetness, my gold, Mo Kushla,
This is the death sentence
I always seem to wait around for,
And always die from in the end,
Or is it from the beginning?
How easily I disappear
Throughout their puppeteering affections...
Some broken shape resembling shelter
Some ritual of common phrases,
Casual fondness, some joyous sketch of me,
With scarlet lipstick on a quiet lip,
And on one that's roaring, too –
Two opposite childhoods on limp high-heels.
And then I slip, unconscious
From my thoughts
Inside theirs, of me.
The Wall
I miss the window where I heard you chuckle on the phone,
Your confidence sunk deep beneath the possibility of love
Your shyness dying for some wits to place it undercover
My thrills, my voice, failing to find its consciousness,
Stuttering illiterate around your fire escapes.
But then you talked,
And thus I found you in disguise
Our vows of secrecy betrayed,
The inane faith within my childhood fictive tongues
Met with the dryness in your rugged land…
The truth - turned dull by the futility of waiting
And nonetheless, I stretched my thumbs towards your cheekbone,
Wanting to place some tenderness upon its mooning blankness
For no reason, or perhaps
In order to blindfold myself before our grainy buffer zone.
We cannot find the proper spirals
To blow each other kisses within
Together we're haphazard
We finger one another vainly
Longing to find a door
Saddened to touch an even wall
Together makes each of us barren.
The I
Where there are only particles of me
Spun madly by sour winds
A monolith chipped off,
Its sound obtuseness turned into infinite question marks,
The vassal protuberances within a color self-declared,
Subscribers to persuasion,
All conjured in a fat bouquet under the claims of familiarity
They've parted ways now
Who knows how many cycles until resolving to become new homeland,
How many million hours until subscribing to a new convention,
And a new definition of their spirit
Who knows how much duration of the same old falls
Falls from the feudal grace of reference poles?
Each I ends locked out barefoot in the cold
Driven back to splinters,
Splinters that fail to ever find a knot.
The repetition
From every tawdry wrinkle of my fan,
From purple peacocks and shiny maggots of distant lands
From ever appetizing feathers of fatherly continents.
You look so different from the neon movie I have tried to rescue
Away from your grimaces,
But still, similar to the tall grin waving good-bye
And shifting harbors and train stations in a reckless haste
Only to land back blowing on its elder sores
It's not the you within your cubic suicides I love
But the absence of you, opening to a prettier fancy -
The scripts and sets frenzying to shape
A brighter, more heroic armor.
To need you, though this is what they call being alive
Though in my vanity,
I do dunk my canines in the serum of my love
Of all my rabid spiteful crimson
Since I'm ill-skilled at being human
I never was too good in school
A solemn bust of paint and clay
Covered in postcards, which you sent to me
From foreign doings
From aftermaths of foreign memory
From your stilted rejections of me
Throughout the role-plays carried in my third eye
I'm seeing you close and quiet
Ochre highways of empathy, a selfless thumb bouquet
Towing literacy out of my shrill
And spreading its luxury on my lips
A kind donation, my heart
My speech, cleansed of its handful of veils
A roll call of kernels from all three tenses of me.
My third eye makes a Cyclops of my being
For thus I only see the relevance in us
And in it we are each of our two genuine selves:
The I
And the You and I
One truth combined with another equal mysticism
A particular aura of gold and pallor
Sprayed with utmost surprise
The bare feet of history
Gaining size through its centuries and deserts
I love you
Or maybe I just love the wisdom in our lachrymal round
I shall become oblivious of waiting
Time will turn our language in a stutter
The I of our twosome will be cold case as well
How morbid of both of us to leave me behind
How gloomy of both you and I to lose your trace meanwhile
How sad to go on as thin air
I wish you would call, regardless of when.
Things to see from the moon
Sprawling a cunning string of non-events –
What has occurred is somehow poor and toothless
I cannot grab a sense of me throughout.
Pains go numb, but not because I reach a higher power,
Some shred of tolerance
Towards my idling absolution.
It still hurts,
But touching it no longer comes in hand, like in the old days –
It's getting less and less innocent.
No one suspects that I'm unwell,
Not even I can trace my heart's true mien
Among the pompous clutter of self-deceiving stances,
To stab it in my skin and prove them otherwise…
And all they do is think I'm past the evil threshold
On the safe side of darkness,
On the kind half of the moon,
Which complements its halfway horror.
I'm not stronger
I've simply grown a thicker frost…